Navigating today’s rapidly changing world

At Barco, our strategy acts as a guiding light: it determines our future path, defining how we play to win in our markets. As today’s markets are disruptive and volatile and technology changes at cruising speed, we constantly refine our corporate strategy, look at it through different lenses and incorporate evolutions and trends – while, of course, sticking to our strategic principle of ‘setting the industry standard in visualization”.

Three strategic levers

The Barco strategy comprises three levers: the priorities we want to focus on to remain relevant and flourish in the short, mid- and long term. They help us prioritize our business activities.

  1. Capture profitable and efficient growth
  2. Innovate for impact
  3. Go for sustainable impact
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The dynamics that shape our strategy



Continuous monitoring of material issues is critical to staying on top of emerging risks and opportunities. In 2020, Barco launched its first materiality assessment to understand what topics matter most to its businesses and stakeholders. We kept focusing our attention on the topics that our stakeholders defined as ‘material’ in that assessment until the end of 2023 – when we conducted a double materiality assessment.



Within the context of its business operations, Barco is exposed to a wide variety of risks that can affect its ability to achieve its objectives and to execute its strategy successfully. Every year, we perform a company-wide risk assessment and compliance gap analysis to identify, prioritize, manage and monitor the risks that impact our organization.